Thursday, August 12, 2010

Good News

Thank you for all of you positive thoughts & prayers - they totally worked! There was enough clean tissue around the tumour & the lymph nodes - all 7!!! - are cancer-free!!!
All of that being said, the tumour was large & aggressive enough to be a stage 3, 3rd grade cancer. I'm an over-achiever, what can I say? LOL I go to see the oncologists on Sept. 3rd to sort out the chemo - the Dr was quite certain that it's going to be an aggresive regimen based on the aggressiveness of the tumour. It grew from 2.3cm to 4.5 cm in 8 weeks. I know, I'm just nurturing like that! So at least I will have a few weeks to enjoy the rest of the nice summer weather before the rigours of chemo commence.
More good-ish news - apparently the tumour is non-progesterone/estrogen receptive which means that I won't have to take Tamoxifen or some such nasty estrogen blocker! According to the Dr. that's also not so good news because after the chemo & radiation there is no other adjuvant therapy to help prevent recurrence. But the next good news is that this kind of cancer responds very well to the chemo. So, all in all I'm counting it as a positive.


  1. YAY. Congrats. Always thinking about you.

  2. Yaaaaaaaaay! Such good news!

  3. Can't wait to see the great hats you'll be wearing! I know they will be stylish, and hand knit! LOL

    Seriously, great news!

  4. What a relief for you!

  5. Woot! I'm so happy you got good news! The agony of not knowing is offically behind you. Now you can focus on treatment and kicking this in the butt!

  6. I've been reading, not commenting and hoping like crazy that it's all going to be good - this post was a big relief. I'm very happy for you that it's so positive!

  7. great news! I knew you could do it!

  8. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I had no idea - just started following your blog. I am so glad your news was good. One of my breast cancer friends had an aggressive lump as well and she is cancer free and has been for the last 8 years.
