Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 3 Post Op

Even though I was awake most of Wednesday, I didn't feel alert or completely aware. I spent most of the day (in between walking) with my head back and my eyes closed listening to LoTR with my eyes closed like it was an old radio show.

Thursday I felt much more myself!! I used very little of the available PCA opioids, and took the proffered Tylenol for the constant headache more than any post-op pain.
Good thing - all sorts of action!! Not only do I have delicate veins, they are not inclined to hold long. Shortly after the day nurse hung & started my Clyndamycin drip I felt a definite pain in the top of my wrist. I looked down and tried to remember if it had always been swollen at the IV insertion point and just hadn't hurt or if both presentations were new. New. As soon as I pointed it out to my nurse (immediately) she turned off the drip and we set to removing the IV. It took about an hour for the pain & swelling to subside.
Joan came by with swatches that I helped to graft.

Joan hates grafting specifically, finishing on general. I'm glad I put her off from Tuesday to Thursday - I'd've been of no help at all!!
Ron texted that he was parking & I asked him to pick me up a coffee. I had been without my sweet brown elixir of life since Sunday afternoon and knowing my love for it, who better to bring me my first cup?
The nurse from the pain management team came by to check in and was surprised to find out that the IV had been removed but the TAP catheters were still in place. Not protocol ... oops. She took charge and set to removing them herself. Yes, this crazy mess of tiny tubes were inserted deep into the transversus muscles, bilaterally. I didn't feel the left one coming out at all but the right one had the oddest sensation. Not really a feeling but just a weird sensation.

I texted Ron & set Joan to watch for him. He is not squeamish exactly but the site of tubes & fresh stitches & drains would've likely just resulted in an unnecessary complication to everyone's day ;) Fortunately all was sorted just in time for his arrival with my Coffee.
Karen and Judith came by shortly after Ron & Joan took their leaves and brought carrot loaf and another coffee! I feel compelled to say how disappointed I was with the food. I know the general feelings about "hospital food" but a lot of hospitals do quite well. Apparently, TGH outsources their meals and I think that they went with the lowest bid. Straight up. Two lunches out of three had no protein whatsoever. But between Karen's carrot loaf and the Triscuits that Randy brought down Wednesday I have not perished.

I am going home today!! I feel really very well, especially all things considered. Not as bad as I had expected; I can only pray that the rest of my recovery is on such a smooth track. I truly believe that the strength and prayers of my family and friends have made all the difference - now as then. I am trying very hard to keep occupied and not let experiences from the past taint my present. It's a challenge but I hope that by being aware of those feelings of rejection and sense of abandonment, taking time to give them due consideration for the day (and then letting it go) and talking about them with a couple of people who can give me perspective they will not be overwhelming.

Thank you my friends.

I edited yesterday's post to include a link to the actual study that I was a part of; I'll include it here as well. It's interesting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. It's grand to hear how well you're doing :-) I will send good thoughts that your good spirits and great recovery continue.

  2. Be aware that it will take about two weeks to completely shake off the big drugs, and be gentle with yourself. And don't worry about the emotional roller coaster. Between trying to heal, and getting rid of the drugs, and dealing with the trauma of surgery, your body chemistry will be out of whack for a while. You will be OK! You are loved and cherished.
