Finished the red Naturally cardigan and it fits nicely on someone a bit smaller than the sizing indicates. Poor Brandi doesn't look hot and bothered at all - it was quite warm and then there was the adjusting of the sweater and "just hold it together at the front" because there are no buttons on it yet.
I took my turn - grinning and bearing it while Amanda took several pictures
trying to not totally whack off my head or lose an entire sleeve. At least we can view, delete and retake pictures without days flying by and multiple trips to some store for prints.
Amanda really is quite good and I'm fortunate to have her help, for otherwise I'd have to set up the tripod & figure out the timer.
And my friend Ada made the trip to my house. Even though her kitchen is being renovated - well maybe "totally gutted and then, only after relentlessly micro-managing professional, grown-up, well-paid men is being put back together with excrutiating slowness" is a more apt description - Ada took the time to go down to Lettuce Knit and pick up some Lorna's Laces and Opal (from the new Rainforest collection) for me.
I HATE THEM ALL!!! I put them away and out of my sight because they whisper and giggle, torturing me with their sweet promises of fun, colourful adventures and a perfect fit. Even poor SpongeBob is just about bursting out of his Square Pants at the thought of being able to carry these new treasures. He has not been of any help whatsoever in making a decision about which one should be next.
"What do you think SpongeBob?"
"That one! No ... wait ... the fishy one!! But ... Hawaii is like home ... But I like them ALLLLL!!"
See what I mean?
Anyway, I finished one green Opal sock yesterday and I find that the 2nd one seems to go faster. I am quite adamant that this pair gets finished and am determined not to waiver on this point. That gives me some time to ... hey, why don't you all let me know what you think? I mean, it's not like you can make a bad choice. I just need help making the decision. SO please leave a comment or email me with your choice!
- Opal Tiger
- Opal Flamingo
- LL Hawaii (blue/green/white)
- LL Purple Club
- Opal Tropical Fish (purple/yellow)
Okay then. I will be working diligently on the garter stitch Naturally pullover for Julie. I am almost done the front, so even as endless garter stitch seems I should be able to make short shrift of a couple of sleeves. Especially when the US Open is on TV for hours at a time and this is a long weekend.
And then ... well, that is always subject to change. Stay tuned.
Oh yeah - great news! I got the bus run!! It's a load off of my mind - it's just a high school in the morning so I will have plenty of time to drop Amanda off at her school. I will have to work something out for the afternoon, but I have a few days and that should be easier.
Now that we live only about 30 minutes from Wasaga Beach it seemed like such a shame not to take the kids. Amanda was so excited she was up at 7:30, and bless her heart, she held herself back from coming into my room until 8:30 - then she just couldn't stand it another second. And even when she woke me up it was to find out if she could start making the sandwiches or packing something. Awwwww! How could I get upset?
So I got up and started preparing. By 9:30 we were ready to go ... but I had to take Kyles bike back to the bike shop because when I paid them to put on a new rear tube, I forgot to ask that they align the tire when they put it back on. I know ... wtf was I thinking?!?
So we did that (it was the opposite direction), picked up a friend of Kyles to come with us to the beach and it was a go.
Tin SpongeBob was very excited when he heard the word "beach". He quickly realized once we got there that it wasn't his native home. He couldn't smell the salt. But he quickly got into the spirit of the day and happily sat on the blanket. As much as he loves the water he takes his responsibilities as SIP Carrier very seriously and chose to stay back and watch the children from there.
I did go in and get wet, played Frisbee with Amanda
when the boys abandoned her to go out as far as they could (I think it was 7 or 8 sandbars). The water was great, the sky was clear and the beach wasn't jam packed with tourists. I did spend a fair amount of time watching from a safe (dry) position, taking pictures and knitting. The sock was happy to be chosen as the "projet du jour" and we had some quality & quantity time together.
The hat - I know that you noticed it - is a ChicKnits Bucket Hat. Amanda wore hers as well - hers is pink so that we can tell them apart. I made them last summer and we love them - a great pattern, a great fit and perfect not only for the beach but bad hair days too.
The Colinette sweater has not been neglected. It has one arm attached with the next one soon to come. Tomorrow I'm driving up to my sisters (just outside of Mount Forest, ON) to pick up a sewing machine cabinet, then to my dads (Durham, ON) to get a couple boxes of my Tupperware. Now that I have room to put it I should really go get it. It's going to be exciting because I don't remember exactly what all there is! So there won't be a lot of knitting progress - too much driving where I have to be the one driving.
So, up early to go to work. Not much different from everyone else except that I'm excited! I love going to Julies. I haven't been since before we moved and I know that there are new things to be played with. It's a sweet torture having to be there all day but it must be more good than bad because I keep going back.
Today I am going to get that red Naturally sweater sorted out AND I am going to pick out for the latest "must have " from the latest VK - a great Rowan Kid Silk Haze (the aforementioned reinforcing thread) and Rowan Big Wool combo with a large cable up the front. It's #11 for those of you following along at home. I don't think I will go with the orange. Some colours of KSH comes in a handpainted look this fall called Spray - I may have to go with one of those. I have a serious love for most yarns handpainted/variegated. I will update you with the colours when I get home.
On the topic of VK - cable error!!! (#9, right sleeve ... not once, twice) Not that I am perfect, but in a garment going to print it amazes me that these mis-knits go unnoticed and/or unrepaired when so many people have to look and touch these garments. Ah well, I have decided that it makes me feel more human and less of a total screw-up ... and it's like one of those "Where's Waldo" puzzles.
Well, here it is ...
I am mostly unpacked after the recent (July 20th) move to Angus, ON. It is slow going but I am under no real time constraints so it has developed it's own pace. My yarn room will be last. sigh But that's okay because I made sure that I knew where most of the most important projects were so that I could knit without tearing open all of the boxes making the unpacking unneccesary. And then I can savour every moment of making this room perfect because every other room has been taken care of - I could make it a party!
This Naturally sweater is almost done.
The armholes may or may not look small in this picture, but they are. Now, when I was knitting it and arrived at the armholes, my "hmmmmm" radar made soft noises. There was no actual casting off for the armholes just fully fashioned decreases. So I continued. Then when it said to shape the shoulders after 15cm (6in) the radar noise elevated. But when I'm doing a piece from a pattern as a sample I try not to impose my own ideals on it. And it should be noted here that I am what is nicely referrred to as a "wishful knitter". I just keep on going, hoping and wishing that it will be okay and when it's not, wishing that I hadn't kept going. So after all of the knitting is done, I sew in the arm and try it on. It is in my size, and yes you can wear it with a t-shirt but only a very fitted t-shirt. And only if you don't need all of that blood flow to your fingers. sigh I will take it to the store of Saturday and let Julie decide to keep it the way it was written or for me to frog, re-design & re-knit.
I'm working on another Naturally project - garter stitch, 2 colour no-brainer. It's going along well ... you thought that there was a "but" coming didn't you? Nah. I just decided to start on this
next project for some variety and because it's due next month.
Deep Breath
No Problem.
And then there is my Sock In Progress. I always have a sock with me because they are so easy to pick up, do a needle or two and put down. I am stopped at the heel flap because I need to pick up some Kid Silk Haze for the reinforcement. I love this stuff - it comes in great colours to match to whatever sock
I'm doing, it's light and strong. So I need some green to go with this lovely Opal from last summer.