Sunday, January 30, 2011


Lucky Devil in Barrie did a cancer awareness event last night. Kyle & I went along with my sister Daphne, a bunch of friends from The Mighty Mart of Wal and what looked like half of Barrie!! It was a more popular event than they had anticipated and they stopped taking names at 7:30. A few of us went to a pub around the corner to make the waiting time go faster.

I'm not sure exactly what I thought that it would feel like or how much it would hurt. I'm really not very good with regular needles ... I think that I was trying not to actually think too much about it. It stung like a mo-fo but it felt so good when he stopped!! I was a trooper and didn't even tear up. It felt/feels like a burn while it's healing.
I'm glad that I handled it so well because I really want to have a 1/2 sleeve on my right arm with a few knitting/spinning motifs and it's not going to be a 10 minute affair. I'll likely be doing that when radiation is done.

Daphne made us t-shirts:


  1. The t-shirts totally rock!

    Nice ink.

  2. loving the tattoo and the shirts!!! I want to get a tattoo but haven't decided what kind yet...

    In (sort of) related news, I just designed a hat with ribbons on it - you might want to take a peek -
    It's a "pink ribbon" hat and a portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer research...

    keeping good thoughts for my wonderful fiber friend...


  3. It's cute Kyle - good job!!!
