I started knitting on Churchmouses new Sleeveless Slipove . Well, to be more accurate, I'm still swatching.
The 1st one on 4mm needles was too small. The 2nd one one 4.5mm needles is too big. Le Grand Sigh. The 4mm swatch was on Signature needles, but I went to Aero's for the 4.5mm for a less sharp tip as the linen tends to split with a sharper tipped needle. I'm going to swatch again with 4.5mm Signatures and deal
with any splitting. 3rd time's a charm, right?
I'm without internet service at the mo ... it's been failing all week, but I haven't been home long enough to deal with it. Bell is coming today, between 8-12 (when in the history of "we'll be there between 8-12", have they ever shown up at 8??) to rectify the issue.
I have 7gb of data on my phone, so that's alright. I spent the better part of yesterday at work (Dairy Queen) using the free wifi to do work that I could've been doing at home. Between that knitting time and the Rock lacrosse game Friday night, I did get a sock finished!
A better result for me than for The Rock 😏
Awaiting test results - my foot has swollen to painful proportions!
My rhubarb is budding!!
Okay ... back to the needles - I got gauge to match!!
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