Saturday, May 24, 2014

Comfort Knitting

A much easier day today. I fended off an early migraine with a Rx and a wee nap.
The day was beautiful and I sat out and knit for a bit in the sun.

I couldn't stand the intensity of it for long but it was lovely while I lasted.

The ease and peace of stockinette continues with Shelter.

It is a pleasure to knit with; easy on the hands, sliding lightly through my fingers and around the needles and the fabric promises lasting warmth.

I had enjoyed this cherry wine

so very much that I purchased it's peach cousin.

I couldn't believe how much I disliked it, even the scent of it!!! Though Lee declared that this was indeed peach wine, I couldn't detect any of the luscious sweetness that I associate with ripe peaches.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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