Published Designer - I dabble in design when inspiration strikes and while Crystal is available as a free pattern, it was first published by KnitNet back in 2001.
Pusblished Author - I love talking. When I talk it's fast - I just have so many thoughts and if I don't get them out in time I forget them. Writing should solve this, right? I mean, if I could get the words on paper (or screen) then they'd be immortalized and could still be forgotten but still be retrievable. The problem is is that I can't type nearly fast enough!!! Curse me for not taking typing in high school.
So now when I really want to write - as opposed to just jot down some thoughts or record events - I make all sorts of jots on whatever is handy. Knitting patterns work great because I will never accidentally toss them and it's highly unlikely that I would allow them to become illegible crumpled or soggenly blurred. Then I save the draft, and over hours or days (depending on how quickly I need/want to get the thing out) there are additions, cuts and edits involving dictionaries and thesauruses to find the exact word to say what I mean. I know that there are a few of you out there thinking, "Can we get Wannietta to write everything?" I love you for only thinking that and I know that you love me just the way I am or you'd stop calling me, making eye contact in public (yes, eye contact is just an unpsoken question and the perfect conversation starter) and asking me out!
So, next hurdle - I dunno!!! You can bet that I will take you all on the journey - unless it gets messed up and makes me look bad, then it will be vaulted.
Here is the Lacy Riverine scarf blocking.

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